Friday, January 29, 2010


We've made the BIG MOVE!

Calan has always slept in our bedroom.  For the first couple of weeks he actually slept in our bed with us (even though many criticized & feared for his life -ha!).  Once he was sleeping for more than an hour or so at a time, we moved him into a bassinet directly across from our bed - still in our room.  He has safely & happily been there ever since.  

I started getting sick last Sunday & it has finally turned into a full-blown cold.  My coughing keeps me, Cody, the dogs, and now Cito awake at night.  It was time for some real decision making & we knew it was time to take matters into our own hands.  Cody & I moved his lamb skin, Sally (his glow sea horse) and set up the video monitor, so that we were prepared for his every move, into HIS room.  Up until now the only time he has ever spent in his bedroom is when we take him in there to watch/feed the fish, pick out clothes in the morning & at night, and getting a towel for bath time.

Cito fell asleep early by his standards around 11:30p last night in our room.  Cody then placed him into his crib on lambs.  The monitor was on.  We then did 3 more sound checks after he was already in place.  

So far, so good.

He slept like the baby that he is.  
No problems. 
No change in schedule. 
Mission Complete.

And they make it look so hard on Super Nanny!