Saturday, January 30, 2010

Social Hour

After getting off of work this morning I was able to enjoy a few hours of sleep.  Calan was asleep in his OWN bed so I was able to snuggle in with Cody until my coughing became so out of control we knew it was time to get up.  

To Lowe's we went.

We had only just walked in when Kenny spotted us!  We love Kenny & don't get to see him at Lowe's much anymore because he now does deliveries for them.  Calan was on best behavior as usual & had everyone that passed making all the "he's so cute" comments.  

A woman walked up & asked which isle she could pick up one of those.  

We heard stories from employees about their children, how fast they grow up & what a great baby we have - like this is something that we don't know.

(see cody in the background getting "professional" help?)

It had been over an hour & Cito was on his last smile.  It was only after filling one cart and one flat bed cart-thingy that we realized everything was not going to fit into our car with Calan's car seat (oh & Calan, too).  

Cody had to drop us off at home & go it alone back to get our stuff.  It sure is different with a baby on board.