Tuesday, January 26, 2010

CHRISTmas in January

After spending an evening with friends this weekend, they offered to give Calan a Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper!  He is in LOVE. His little arms pump away in the air every time we place him in it.  He's able to use his pudgy feet to turn the seat around from activity to activity.  When Hudson tries to lick his face he pulls himself around and is protected by the "roll bars."  

These bright, beautiful toys seem to be consuming our home at a top rate of speed.  I thought that I could get away with keeping everything looking the way it always has (pre-Cito) but I'm not doing a very proficient job.  It's not my fault that I love the way he looks at shiny new things. I feel the same way when I look at muted colored paint chips in Lowe's.  He continues to draw me into this primary colored world and I have to admit - it's not as bad as I had expected.