Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Calan started SCHOOL!
GCC opened their Early Learning Center & Cit will be apart of their 1st year.
We are so excited to know that he will be surrounded by staff and teachers that put Jesus first.
He already loves his teacher & keeps telling us that he is going to make 5 friends.
When I ask him what their names are he tells me, "kids."
He is super excited about nap time at school too.
Yesterday I finished getting all of his school supplies and he picked out lion scissors. 
Super cool.
Last night when we we were talking about dropping him off at school for his first day he told me he was going to cry. Then he made the most pathetic cry noises I've ever heard. 
He didn't cry.
He ran to the train table, put on a hard hat and took out a big bin of trucks.
This is going to be a pretty cool year.