Thursday, January 31, 2013

We're Suckie Parents

We won't even get our kids a pony.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

This is Real Life

Cody & I found Coco like this on the couch.
The last we knew she was sleeping & covered up.
Case came into the kitchen and wanted us to go see her.
Calan was in the playroom so we asked him about it.
He acted like it was no big deal and said that he put the antennas on Cora's head.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Cora's sleeping.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

1st Birthday Card

for Case's 2nd Birthday!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Cora Rolled Over

This morning while we were cleaning puke out of Camille's hair.
Coco was downstairs all by herself.
On her back.
When Grandma came back down she was on her tummy.
Tonight we have gymnastics.
Last week Cody and I both were able to go to gymnastics with the oldest two.
My mom is here and she stayed with the others.
I was able to carry around my camera and take pictures of both kids.

Things are getting loud now and I'm losing my train of thought.

Here are some pics from last Tuesday.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


It happened.
Calan and Camille are both in Gymnastics.
They love it.
They are in different classes but learned all of the same things.
Head stands were a clear favorite.
They even came home and tried teaching Case how to do them.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Three Hours Gone

This is how we spent last night.

We blew up the air mattress. 
Cody propped it up on the living room chairs.
The three big kids used it as a slide.
These are three hours of our life we can never get back. 
I'm glad this is how we used them.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sweet Compliments

(I will NOT include a picture in this post because it would gross even me out.)
Last night Calan asked me if he could "get thorns in his hand from my legs."  Well, sweet boy, those are not thorns those are Leg Love Hairs. I'm growing out my Leg Love Hairs so that I am able to...
hold you
do laundry
make beds
clip finger nails
wipe hands
wash off faces
check my email (almost daily!)
return a few texts
schedule appointments
drop off
blow noses
feed the pets
wipe butts
pick up from
strap kids into car seats
do dishes
do laundry
make meals
open curtains
brush teeth
apply lotion to little bodies
pick up toys
play with Play-Doh
wash windows
serve snacks
answer my phone (very rarely)
kiss you
fill out foster care paperwork
change diapers
lay clothes out for the next day
sweep and mop floors
water plants
take kids on walks
grocery shop
take pictures
wash sheets
read books (not books I want to read)
wipe noses
pump milk
clean bottles
break up fights
find Big Ps
love you
keep track of Bangs
remember birthdays
answer questions
play outside
make lists
pay bills
take a shower (this is actually when this happens some days)
meet with therapists
talk to teachers
sing to you
wipe the table after...
you get the idea, right Cit?
These are just some of the things that I am able to accomplish after 6 hours of INTERRUPTED sleep. So if I started shaving my legs again your Daddy would think that I was hitting on him and we all know that we don't need another baby in this house. So to answer your question...
No. You can not get thorns in your hand from my legs.
Thanks for asking before I needed to run upstairs to get the tweezers out and deal with potential thorns.
Now I need to take pictures of your sweetest littlest sister because she is 3 months old today!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Camille starts gymnastics tonight.
I've never been to gymnastics before but I'm guessing she should wear something like this?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Bird Houses.

 We built bird houses at Home Depot on Saturday morning. 
Saturday afternoon this guy was sitting outside of our front door.
Maybe he thought that we built these for him.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Twins

 We have Wiggles back.
I was asked at church tonight if they were twins.
I said no.
I was then asked if they were just nine months apart.
I've decided that from now on they will be twins.
A big headed twin and a little headed twin.
Twins are a lot of work.
Dealing with the twins makes their Daddy tired.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Pet Parade

a cat
a duck
a fish
do you really need more than that in a pet parade?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Little Race

Case was a momma's boy
then a daddy's boy
then a momma's boy
but it looks like he's back to a daddy's boy

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Kick

Case has been on a flourless muffin kick.
This is not the first time he has been on this muffin kick.
They taste like cement.
baking powder/soda
that's about it

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Calan as...

Coco Fione.