This is how 5pm started out last night.
We were out of the car, faces painted, dog on leash, diaper bag packed with ALL essentials including a change of clothes for everyone & water bottles, stroller set up and baby secured, healthy snacks had been had in the car & growls & Roars had been practiced, we were ready for the LONG walk.
Cody showed the two big kids the ropes while I walked Lola & pushed Case in the stroller. First house was a breeze. The kids are fast learners but then Camille freezes up & decides not to walk.
ONE house down.
No double stroller tonight.
Why won't she walk?
She's even wearing comfortable shoes that don't really match but won't hurt her feet.
We even give her the only 2 pieces of candy that we've collected so far. Nothing works and she then starts screaming and is rolling in the road.
Cody decides to carry her.
Calan hits the next couple of houses by himself while we figure out how this is all going to play out.
Back on track. Calan can walk & Camille is carried from house to house for the next 2 hours.
This guy is so amazing. I do hate when he smiles like this. It's so fake & I know that he would really like to be doing anything but this. I offer to just take her to the car but Codes doesn't want us not to be together for Cit's first "real" trick-or-treating. Calan's been before but hasn't understood or even been able to walk. So we continue.
Calan LOVES this.
Not only is he outside but people are telling him how cute he is & they are giving him candy.
After we loop through the subdivision Cody went to get the car & I sat with the kids in someone's yard. Camille wanted marshmallows out of her bag (she eats them before I can get a picture) & Calan chose 2 suckers. He wanted them both & didn't finish either.
Case was, of course, there too. Dressed in his Pumpkin sweat suit. Happy. Quiet. And as usual just a Joy to have around.
The fruits of our labor now fill our fruit bowls.
& this is all that remains from last night.
Just memories & animal body shells on the floor.
Just another mess that I will need to take care of.