Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday Update (so far...)

Last week Calan & I got our PJs on & went to bed early.  Frosty the Snowman was on in HD.

-Really? HD. Not sure that's necessary for a cartoon.  Especially that one.  I remember my parents adjusting the rabbit ears on top of our TV just in time for the once-a-year 8pm Frosty showing.  I could have just recorded it but that seems so unnatural. But whatever. I guess that Calan's eyes are already used to HD & anything less would be a disappointment.-

Then on Sunday we went down to Cody's Dad's house for his Christmas.  Calan was the only kid there so all attention was on him.  His Great Grandma & Grandpa came for dinner & present opening. They has also saved some ornaments for Calan to put on the Christmas tree.