Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday Update (so far...)

Last week Calan & I got our PJs on & went to bed early.  Frosty the Snowman was on in HD.

-Really? HD. Not sure that's necessary for a cartoon.  Especially that one.  I remember my parents adjusting the rabbit ears on top of our TV just in time for the once-a-year 8pm Frosty showing.  I could have just recorded it but that seems so unnatural. But whatever. I guess that Calan's eyes are already used to HD & anything less would be a disappointment.-

Then on Sunday we went down to Cody's Dad's house for his Christmas.  Calan was the only kid there so all attention was on him.  His Great Grandma & Grandpa came for dinner & present opening. They has also saved some ornaments for Calan to put on the Christmas tree.  

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


In our house we are not familiar with this practice.

This situation was at the party that we attended Sunday.

Monday, December 13, 2010


On Sunday we went to Kayley's 1st Birthday PARTY.
(Cody works with her dad, Jeff)

We brought her a remote control pig that Calan was in love with.  He had plenty of time playing with it in the store the night before so he was able to "help" her out.  After she opened our gift it was time to open some of the other presents. She screamed when her pig was set in the pile of toys until they gave it back! Kayley opened all of her other presents with her pig by her side.

Calan snuck in a couple bites of shared cupcake -but that was all of the sweets that he had.

There were so many kids there that we lost Sweet Cit a few times.  Some of the older boys would come tell us that he wasn't listening to them or that he was in a bedroom that was off-limits.  I'm not sure they realized how young he is.

(see the pig!)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I need to rethink who Cit hangs out with

Didn't want this pic to just sit in my files without sharing it!