Monday, August 2, 2010

TODAY a toddler is born

I went into labor July 31 last year and just a few days later I was holding our BEAUTIFUL baby.  I can't imagine our lives without him but have difficulty believing that it was just a year ago we met.  I've been behind on keeping his baby book up to date but because of the wonders of iPhoto -and the fact that I take pictures on an almost daily basis- everything has been stored away by date.  

I spent a few hours today going through neatly organized folders and writing some of the hundreds of Calan's firsts in his baby book... first roll over... first vacation... first food... first time in the BIG bath tub... first time sleeping in his own room... first step (which has been sort of an inside joke around here - I've been telling everyone not to let go of his hand unless the camera is rolling AND the house is picked up AND he's dressed cute).  

BUT this weekend at my family reunion Amber let go of his hand & 3 steps just appeared.  She apologized for stealing such a monumental moment but the damage had been done.  Please feel free to send her a little hate mail No seriously, you should probably make it known that this is not something that can be replaced :)  

I also pulled over 300 pictures to be printed and put into his scrap book.  It's weird to think that SO many of his firsts are over -I mean besides GETTING TEETH or NEEDING A HAIR CUT or EATING FOOD (with texture).  Those may not even happen until he's at least 6 or 7 -right?  Cody & I joke daily about our developmentally delayed baby toddler but we think he's going to turn out just fine.  Who really cares if he's 9 and still eats formula.  At least he's happy and healthy and will have something to tell his therapist.