Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday Update (so far...)

Last week Calan & I got our PJs on & went to bed early.  Frosty the Snowman was on in HD.

-Really? HD. Not sure that's necessary for a cartoon.  Especially that one.  I remember my parents adjusting the rabbit ears on top of our TV just in time for the once-a-year 8pm Frosty showing.  I could have just recorded it but that seems so unnatural. But whatever. I guess that Calan's eyes are already used to HD & anything less would be a disappointment.-

Then on Sunday we went down to Cody's Dad's house for his Christmas.  Calan was the only kid there so all attention was on him.  His Great Grandma & Grandpa came for dinner & present opening. They has also saved some ornaments for Calan to put on the Christmas tree.  

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


In our house we are not familiar with this practice.

This situation was at the party that we attended Sunday.

Monday, December 13, 2010


On Sunday we went to Kayley's 1st Birthday PARTY.
(Cody works with her dad, Jeff)

We brought her a remote control pig that Calan was in love with.  He had plenty of time playing with it in the store the night before so he was able to "help" her out.  After she opened our gift it was time to open some of the other presents. She screamed when her pig was set in the pile of toys until they gave it back! Kayley opened all of her other presents with her pig by her side.

Calan snuck in a couple bites of shared cupcake -but that was all of the sweets that he had.

There were so many kids there that we lost Sweet Cit a few times.  Some of the older boys would come tell us that he wasn't listening to them or that he was in a bedroom that was off-limits.  I'm not sure they realized how young he is.

(see the pig!)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I need to rethink who Cit hangs out with

Didn't want this pic to just sit in my files without sharing it!

Monday, November 29, 2010

dance party

Calan & I were waiting on Cody to get back from taking my van in to get serviced.  He had the radio on scan then started picking out his own stations.

(at the end you can hear him hit his head on the ceiling!)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

things have returned to


well as normal as can be expected around here.
calan enjoyed clam chowder in the bath tub tonight.
that could be considered normal ~right?

Friday, November 12, 2010

temperature update

it's 12:20am & calan's temp is now 104.8
not good.
dr. wants him to take extra dose of tylenol & call back in an hour.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


seems to be the average temperature of my sweet boy within the last 24 hours.
he had his 15 month immunizations on tuesday & is getting worse by the day.
i have started researching the benefits of delaying vaccinations & am sad to say that i may not have been as educated as i should have been before we started pumping his tiny body with "protection."
calan had never been sick before so i decided to call his pediatrician today just to make sure that i didn't need to bring him in & the nurse told me that he could have just picked up something while at the dr.  i'm PRETTY SURE that it was from the 3 shots but that's coming from a non-professional.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kit-kitten loving &


Sunday, November 7, 2010

fall leaves

We came home from church this afternoon to find that all of our leaves had been raked to the curb by our neighbors.
Calan ran straight to the pile...

and jumped right in.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

clean up on isle 3

Calan- is that the new box of trash bags?
Thank you kind sir.
I wasn't sure what they all looked like outside of the box.
You're so helpful.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

an apple a day

"lo.\lo\l.oo\lo\lo\lo\ol\lol\" -courtesy of calan

If you look super close you can see the teeny-tiny teeth marks that Calan left in the TWO apples that he felt he had to have.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

it is what it is

With less than 30 days until my 30th birthday I have entered a new chapter.
Gone are the days of 2 door cars or cute SUVs.
With a new baby on the way we apparently needed sliding doors and room for more cargo.
Seats that will accommodate more than the average load and windows so large that all eyes (& wet noses) will be able to see (& smudge) the world.
Dogs, Kids, Strollers, Diaper Bags, Car Seats, Bottles, Wet Naps, Extra Clothes, Sun Screen, Bug Spray, Snacks, Diapers, & Adults (not to mention O2 tanks, walkers, & seniors *work*) will now be able to ride comfortably in my short bus of a ride.
& the only memory that will remain of my previous life as an SUV driver is the picture of the license plate that refused to release itself from the back of my Mercedes.
It was like that plate knew that my teens & twenties were officially nonexistent & it too was refusing to let time slip any quicker than necessary.
I own a van.
Happy Birthday to me.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

cry baby

I took this pic right after Sweet Cit got done crying.
You can still see the tears in his eyes :(
Poor boy.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm a BEAR!

Papa stopped by this morning to see Calan in his Halloween costume.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kinda Sorta Gross

I haven't ever really used the blue nose sucker that you get from the hospital when you have a baby.  I kept it just incase. Last night there was a nose nugget that I couldn't get after Calan's bath.  So I finally got my chance to suck it out.  It worked really well and he really liked it.  I'm serious.  After I sucked both sides he kept lifting his head waiting for more. *weirdo*

It's become the toy of the day.
But after I saw him with the shoe who really cares about the nose sucker

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Latest Look

I don't usually take pictures with the flash on.
I don't like the way that they turn out.
So, needless to say, Sweet Cit is not used to the blinding feeling & is now making this same squint face thing in every flash pic now.
GREAT. I'm raising a dork.

these are just two of MANY

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Here is what has been going on in our house the past two nights *pre-bath.*

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'd like to see a RECALL please

–adjective, health·i·er, health·i·est.
possessing or enjoying good health or a sound and vigorousmentality: a healthy body; a healthy mind.
pertaining to or characteristic of good health, or a sound andvigorous mind: a healthy appearance; healthy attitudes.
conducive to good health; healthful: healthy recreations.

I've fallen victim to a marketing scam!  I had a coupon for a box of Gerber "Healthy" snacks -so I grabbed a box of Banana Cookies.  It clearly states that the contents will help my sweet boy with growth & development.  I guess they failed to mention which kind of growth they were speaking of.  Once I got home (& 3 cookies later) I discover what is really inside this box of health.