Sunday, August 31, 2014

Kids pushing kids

Yard sale day.

Okay, this was the last 5 minutes before we were home. They all love yard sales because we feed them goldfish crackers and let them watch a movie. Calan saw the pumpkins and asked for them. He was in luck I got all 5 for $1. 

Removing the divide

My mom's. So spacious now. 😳

Give Case some space

Baby proofed?

Clearly the child locks on our drawers are working well. 


Cats love painting. 

A pattern

Calan let me know that this was a pattern game. You had to say your own name while rolling the ball to someone else. It was way more challenging than it  appears. 

My shoes

Not sure who took this picture. 

Both were crying

Neither over spilled milk. Just over raisin bread. 

Our butterfly hatched

Then flew around the house. 
Then was released. 
It's a girl. We still have one more chrysalis  waiting to emerge. 

Pig petting

A walk

That's grandma on the very back. 

We've been to playgrounds

To Petsmart we go

Calan was lifting Camille. 
A new fish tank has been on my list for months. Calan won a gold fish (named St. Joe County 4-H Fair) when he was one and it's still alive. He's been living in a used tank so it was finally time. The color changing light is a hit. 

Cat show

Everyone was watching Leeve do tricks.