Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Yesterday was a day of tragedies. Cody smashed a fingernail so hard that it's still bleeding this morning. He slammed the end of his nail back into his finger and blood is coming from all four sides. A doctor saw it last night and recommended an X-ray. 

Coco fell off of a ride at Air Zoo on Monday and got a goose egg. She fell off of a table onto concrete last night directly on the same spot. 

Canon, too, had an incident yesterday! 

Rain rain we love you

It started to rain on our walk last night so we had everyone hop on the wagon to book it home. The kids thought it was hilarious that Lola ran faster than I was going. They kept saying how fast she was and that I could never be that fast. They do know that I am faster than Cody so I guess that's what matters. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

Peanut surcharge

We cleaned that peanut bucket out. 
Case likes the knife method to open his peanuts. 
Taught Camille how to open peanuts with a fork. 
Coco's first drink of OJ. 
Saying "Cheese!"
Biscuit bracelet. 
The kids couldn't get enough broccoli. 
Coco sharing avocado across the table. 

Corn on the cob

Be careful around the fire...

Were my exact words 15 seconds before Calan flips his bike 3 inches from it. 


Krispy Kreme

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The water fountain is finished.

Eating teriyaki

So clever

Calan pinched his finger between the shells of a peanut like a chrysalis. 

Shopping with baby Lucy

Quiet Coloring

Now everyone look into the sun.

Before and after

The other morning I let Case know  that it was time to cut his hair. He whined and I talked him into it. I started with his bangs this time because he is such a pickle by the end of a hair cut that we are not good friends. Two snips in and he starts refusing to let me make even one more cut. I tell him I'm going to take him to a salon to get his hair cut and Case turned into a crazy person. He starts saying things like, "I'm going to kick them and run to daddy's work."  It took a little over an hour and Calan telling him he has girl hair for me to hold him down and finish. 
Race Car Rans. Get yourself together!

Sweetness Rans

Calan came to Zumba. Camille comes every Thursday but lately hasn't been wanting to. Calan begs to go and finally I took him. He lasted the entire hour and wants his own weights for next week. 


Coco kept trying to ride this tiny cow. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014