Monday, September 24, 2012

Pumpkins 2012

We got all vested up and headed for our new favorite pumpkin patch.
This was everyone's favorite.
Until Race came out sideways.  Then Codes had to assist.
And if I forgot to mention...
Wrigley is under Cody's vest.
He was asleep the entire time in his little carrier.
Case is SUPER into animals right now.

But not hayrides.
Calan chased a rooster around and around until finally he was able to catch a white one that wasn't looking.

We found our perfect pumpkins and then headed home.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tricks of the Trade

Daddy lets Cit help him with everything. 
Including these huge projects I've been making them do.
My "nesting" has spiraled way out of control these last few weeks.
I think we've cleaned every drawer, closet, corner, bin, rug, wall, floor...
and painted/patched/redone every room in the house. 
The house looks so good we could put it on the market. 
But we want to live here forever.
So we aren't putting it on the market.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Still Walking

 We've been taking walks every night. 
Me 9 months pregnant pushing a 3 week old is probably a little confusing to some.
By next week people will think we've had twins.
Case LOVES to wear his hood up.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Just Got Back

from Mishawaka's Homecoming Parade.
We walked 1/4 of a block to the top of our road & spread out our favorite take-everywhere-quilt.
We waited about 3 minutes for the parade to start.

 It was short.
And to the point.
Home in time for naps.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


We were able to visit Healthworks! for the hundredth time. 
Maybe we haven't been there that many times but we've been there plenty.

 We attended a class about nutrition while there and Calan got picked to be the BONES.
 Race Car. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

These are the Last Days

of Summer. 
of having having only 3 kids (with the exception of Wrigley, of course).
of parades and fireworks.
of wearing shorts and summer dresses.
of Caseworkers in our lives!!!
of pregnancies.
of long evenings outside on bikes.
of flying kites at the park.

It is time for pumpkin patches.
leaf collecting.
open windows.
puzzles in the evening.
cookie making.
and being together.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Papa was in a Parade

That's why we were in Elkhart on Monday.
Papa let the kids get in his semi before the parade started.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

When in Elkhart...

...Ride an ELK!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Addictions Start Early

Calan is obsessed with playing games on our iPod. He is actually getting pretty good at a few.  He sits in the baby's bassinet so that "Everyone leaves me alone."  Whatever works Sweet Cit.  

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Midnight Snack

Case almost single handedly ate an entire cantaloupe. He probably would have finished it if he hadn't of rocked his highchair over backwards.