Last night for dinner Case had milk & Calan ate RANCH. That's it. There is no more to this story. Except that Calan lifts his pinky finger like a lady when he eats.
Angie was Calan's first nurse the night that he was born. She taught Cody & I how to bathe, change & feed him. She was the BEST. Angie spent hours with us in our hospital room in 2009. Last Friday night while we were waiting for our discharge papers she came to say "hi!" She had remembered us from when we had Calan wanted to come see our newest baby.
Get into EVERYTHING while his parents were away. Grandma has been watching Calan while we were in the hospital. Since we've been home we've realized how many "new" tricks he has under his belt. I guess she was swindled the entire time by a 1 year old.